Project description
Project title:

The holistic use of green hydrogen in capturing CO2 from flue gases for climate neutrality

Project acronym:

Duration: 32 months 03/05/2022 - 31/12/2024

The total value of the Contract /Total value from the budget:

1.200.000,00 lei

Engineering Sciences
PE8_6 - Energy processes engineering
PE8_9 - Production technology, process engineering


The project realizes a holistic research of possibilities to use H2 for reaching climate neutrality, by realizing 4 complex models:

1. Theoretical and experimental model for capturing CO2 from flue gases in a methanizer with utilization of H2 and possibility of their further combustion in a new installation, such that the final CO2 emission, reported to the total energy effect, to be highly reduced;

2. Theoretical and experimental model for capturing CO2from flue gases in a gasifier, with H2 as control thermal agent. The analysis of possibility to burn CO2 rich gas obtained in an adjacent installation, such that the final emission of CO2 is reduced;

3. Mathematical model with numeric simulation for determining the influence of physical parameters for combustion of H2 with concentric air flow;

4. Theoretical and experimental combustion model of H2 cu classic fuels in a spark ignition engine, on a platform conceived for controlling the hydrogen injection. The combustion stability and engine performances will be determined.

All researches will contain performance experimental measurements and analysis of their validation. These original and validated researches will be disseminated to increase university and country prestige and emphasize the priority of researches in a new and continuous domain, respectively ensuring the climate neutrality.

Project objective:

The main objective of the Project "Holistic use of green hydrogen in the capture of CO2 from flue gases for climate neutrality" aims to reach the scientific maturity of the original research and promote them at the level of the scientific community.

At the same time, the young researchers involved (postdoc, doc and master) are consolidating their critical mass by attracting quality human resources.

The proposed theme is in line with the provisions of several EU and UN documents, the most relevant of which are Article 194 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, which emphasizes the need for an integrated energy system. to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.

Carbon dioxide is the main greenhouse gas (GHG) resulting from human activities and mainly from energy production and transport, and the concentration of atmospheric CO2 has risen steadily and considerably since the industrial revolution. In addition, global transport and energy demand are expected to continue to grow in the coming decades.

Expected results:

Estimated scientific results of the project include:

1. Theoretical and experimental analysis for the reduction of CO2 emissions from flue gases by using green hydrogen.

2. Theoretical and experimental analyzes on the reduction of CO2 from flue gases by using technology from gasification processes.

3. Analysis of the combustion of hydrogen in concentric jets with those of air.

4. Experimental research on the combustion of a petrol-hydrogen mixture in a spark-ignition engine.

The results of the project regarding solutions for climate neutrality are important and benefit the national and European social, economic and cultural environments, by attaining a clean atmosphere, favorable for development.

Result indicators:

The outcome indicators for the "Fundamental and Frontier Research" Program are:

- papers published in journals and indexed volumes (number): 20; nationally and internationally
- requested patents (number): 2;
- co-published material with internation authors (number): 6;
- papers published in Q1 and Q2 journals with ArticleInflucenScore>1 (number): 9 , out of which many in the top 10% most cited journals; - other material (number): 1 project webpage with at least yearly updates
- at least 3 workshops,
- at least 3 papers presented in the plenum of international conferences,
- at least 2 prelections at prestige foreign universities,
- at least 3 person-month doctoral mobilities.